Saturday, September 23, 2006


been a while. as you may know, i was in vancouver shooting things we lost in the fire and then to nyc to finish up support for trust the man and now back in la to resume family life and normal life for the kids. just a few (last?) words here---it's always a disappointment when a movie doesn't set the world on fire, but in truth, not many do, so the expectation is unrealistic. of course, that doesn't stop you from having it. that said, the movie is out there, and will find its life and its audience, over time; if not now, then later, and if not later, then never, but it remains with me as a damn good smart funny film and a wonderful time spent with the folks on set and the lovely and talented bart f. and all that. the rest, unlike hamlet, is noise. i read some of your responses and was moved by the entry about Pam and clicked and saw the picture from the triathalon and yes for sure i do remember her---she was in some ways a fixture at public events. now to be honest, when someone shows up with that regularity, it can be a little unsettling---we don't know the depths of other peolepe's hearts or their true intentions and the mind can easily feel paranoid, so to me, she was always "oh there's that woman who's always at these things i hope she doesn't mean harm". to read that she has died and to hear your praise of her and your sadness, i must say humanizes her. for me. and is humbling and sad. and i know that it is too late. but thank you for doing that. best wishes to all of you.

Friday, September 22, 2006

What's good about it?

A faded, fuzzy punk riff establishes "Paper Wings". That far off riff is quickly replaced by a booming version of it, topped with driving drumbeats, rugged vocals, and power chords a plenty. The hook for "Life Less Frightening" evokes some of The Ramones more commercial style riffs. You know, the three-chord change and the punk style guitar muting. The dual vocal harmonies in the chorus are a nice touch. The drums hit you like a machine gun on "Anywhere But Here", and I gotta say, the vocals may be a little rough around the edges, but they are still manage to be tuneful. You'll think that Rise Against are going to slow it down on "Give It All" with its ominous opening sequence, but before you know it, the rhythm kicks into a break-neck pace. You might be a bit taken back by the acoustic intro on "Dance for Rain", because let's face it; punk and acoustic don't really share the same bed. However, intense vocals and punishing rhythms destroy that union. Little guitar licks and tempo changes really strokes this track.

Rise Against

Rise Against are a political punk band from Chicago who recorded Siren Song of the Counter-Culture with Rage Against the Machine producer GGGarth and Rage and Nirvana mixer Andy Wallace. The four band members came together from punk bands 88 Fingers Louie, Pinhead Circus, and the Enemy, and the emo band Baxter, and play old school punk (e.g., Descendants) with a strong political point of view.

Siren Song of the Counter-Culture has drawn rave reviews from key publications. Rolling Stone praised the band's "rousing, intelligent fury," while Alternative Press said "the band's engrossing hardcore is an urgent siren song that's appropriate for these angst-ridden, uncertain times."

Siren Song of the Counter Culture

1. State Of The Union Listen Listen
2. The First Drop Listen Listen
3. Life Less Frightening Listen Listen
4. Paper Wings Listen Listen
5. Blood To Bleed Listen Listen
6. To Them These Streets Belong Listen Listen
7. Tip The Scales Listen Listen
8. Anywhere But Here Listen Listen
9. Give It All Listen Listen
10. Dancing For Rain Listen Listen
11. Swing Life Away Listen Listen
12. Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated Listen Listen

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

First, a belated Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms. Second, I couldn't help but notice the photo of all the determined stroller-pushing mothers on Page D-1 of the Business section on Mother's Day. My concern is for their safety. Of approximately 13 mothers, only two appear to be in the street outside the bicycle lane. But, is the bicycle lane an appropriate place for this activity? With the (blind) crest of the hill in the background behind them, all that would be required for a horrible accident would be for an inattentive in-a-hurry driver, driving the California-usual 10 miles over the speed limit.

Inattentive cell phone use while driving, screaming kids jumping in the back of that new 4,500-pound SUV while their mom turns to quiet them, or other -- you get the picture. The stroller moms will never hear it coming. Flesh and bone are no match for steel and glass. I love my dog and wouldn't walk him in the bicycle lane. Make sense?

I am sure I would have a coronary attack if my granddaughter was being pushed in her stroller in the bicycle lane. Stroller moms, while you are running, chatting, and solving all sorts of problems, please try to think of a safer place to get your exercise. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Apart from the first beneficiary i contacted,as the human right person,to assit me claim the consignment and invest the fund for me,was among the victims of the egyptian flight that crash into the red sea when he was traveling to france,i make sure not to discuss this with anybody,till i found your contact.The manager of the security company asked me to provide another foreign patner who will be capable enough to assist me claim the consignment and move it to your country for an investment,the company still allow this money to lodged in their company safely.If you can assist me claim this consignment,then we shall go into a patnership investment.

rise against midi

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rise against- blood red, white, and blue

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rise against-state of the union

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Rise AGainst wallpaper

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Rise Against Biography

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

The best hardcore punk album in a long time!

The album opens with maybe the hardest song on the album, 'State Of The Union' which features some killer vocals and is a great rocker to start off the album. perfect opener! 'The First Drop' is pretty cool but nothing really to stand out.

'Life Less Frightening' is a cool song one of the better ones on the album, mostly screaming on this song instead of singing but it really works for this song, I just hope that all the screaming doesnt kill the amazing vocals the guy has. 'Paper Wings' was the first single off the album and it didnt really do a whole lot on the radio or on the charts but it is a really really good song so I dont see why.

'Blood To Bleed' is good but not really special, but the next song sure is. 'To Them These Streets Belong' is one of the best songs on the album and one of the best song I have heard in a really long time, it starts off all slow and goes full throtal in to total punk and it's just plain amazing, a truly great song. The next song is my favorite song on the album, 'Tip The Scales' is such a killer song, even though the guitarriff is pretty repetitive I still love it and this is easily the best song on the album anyone who hears this song wount be able to help but love it to death! It's gonna be a classic if they ever release it! 'Anywhere But Here' 'Give It All' and 'Dancing For Rain' all have really great lyrics and are killer songs the only problem is that they sound kinda the same, except for the intro to dancing thats pretty cool. The next song is the big single on the album and it is the most original song on the album because it is played on an acoustic guitar and it shows what talent this band has a as well as diversity. The lyrics are amazing and the vocals give me the chills, this is truly a beautifull song, 'Swing life Away' is just simply put and amazing song. The album closes with 'Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated' and it is the absolute best song to end the album, it's hard fast and in your face and it leaves you want more, it does exactly what all album closers should do!