Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

First, a belated Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms. Second, I couldn't help but notice the photo of all the determined stroller-pushing mothers on Page D-1 of the Business section on Mother's Day. My concern is for their safety. Of approximately 13 mothers, only two appear to be in the street outside the bicycle lane. But, is the bicycle lane an appropriate place for this activity? With the (blind) crest of the hill in the background behind them, all that would be required for a horrible accident would be for an inattentive in-a-hurry driver, driving the California-usual 10 miles over the speed limit.

Inattentive cell phone use while driving, screaming kids jumping in the back of that new 4,500-pound SUV while their mom turns to quiet them, or other -- you get the picture. The stroller moms will never hear it coming. Flesh and bone are no match for steel and glass. I love my dog and wouldn't walk him in the bicycle lane. Make sense?

I am sure I would have a coronary attack if my granddaughter was being pushed in her stroller in the bicycle lane. Stroller moms, while you are running, chatting, and solving all sorts of problems, please try to think of a safer place to get your exercise. Posted by Picasa