Saturday, September 02, 2006

The best hardcore punk album in a long time!

The album opens with maybe the hardest song on the album, 'State Of The Union' which features some killer vocals and is a great rocker to start off the album. perfect opener! 'The First Drop' is pretty cool but nothing really to stand out.

'Life Less Frightening' is a cool song one of the better ones on the album, mostly screaming on this song instead of singing but it really works for this song, I just hope that all the screaming doesnt kill the amazing vocals the guy has. 'Paper Wings' was the first single off the album and it didnt really do a whole lot on the radio or on the charts but it is a really really good song so I dont see why.

'Blood To Bleed' is good but not really special, but the next song sure is. 'To Them These Streets Belong' is one of the best songs on the album and one of the best song I have heard in a really long time, it starts off all slow and goes full throtal in to total punk and it's just plain amazing, a truly great song. The next song is my favorite song on the album, 'Tip The Scales' is such a killer song, even though the guitarriff is pretty repetitive I still love it and this is easily the best song on the album anyone who hears this song wount be able to help but love it to death! It's gonna be a classic if they ever release it! 'Anywhere But Here' 'Give It All' and 'Dancing For Rain' all have really great lyrics and are killer songs the only problem is that they sound kinda the same, except for the intro to dancing thats pretty cool. The next song is the big single on the album and it is the most original song on the album because it is played on an acoustic guitar and it shows what talent this band has a as well as diversity. The lyrics are amazing and the vocals give me the chills, this is truly a beautifull song, 'Swing life Away' is just simply put and amazing song. The album closes with 'Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated' and it is the absolute best song to end the album, it's hard fast and in your face and it leaves you want more, it does exactly what all album closers should do!