Saturday, October 14, 2006


The difference: GWB invaded Iraq pre-eminently and under false pretenses; it was wrong. Israel left Lebanon; Israel left Gaza, both moves to foster peace. Hamas and Hezbollah entered Israel and killed and kidnapped Israelis in deliberate terrorist attacks. Middle Eastern Muslims, Arabs, Islamists either encourage, or at least, allow these terrorists to do what they do without reproach. Well, they went too far this time and Israel has had enough. Both Hamas and Hezbollah were told right in the beginning: Give us back our people, stop shooting rockets into our civilian population, or we are coming in, and we pissed. At any time, peace could have been had, but the Muslim, Arab, Islamist fundamentalists refuse to stop, so Israel is making a statement. It’s sad that civilians have been hurt or killed, (hell, we killed over 40,000 in Iraq), but the blame lies with H. and H. It is time for the Muslims to stop their fanatics, come out of the seventh century, and join the civilized world. Thank you for your comments Posted by Picasa