Saturday, October 14, 2006

San Diego

Driving on Interstate 15 is impossible. The high level of congestion on this busy interstate is obscene. Although the congestion is unreasonable, it can be reduced. Making simple changes to the public transportation system is the solution. One simple change should be the addition of a trolley between Escondido and San Diego.

This small addition to our public transportation system could possibly reduce traffic by 10 percent and produce positive side effects. Generating renewable revenue for the city or transit system is one possible outcome. The reduction of harmful smog pollutants is another positive outcome. A reduction of alcohol-related DUIs is yet another positive outcome.

By providing a safe, inexpensive means of mass transit, the city of San Diego can potentially save millions in highway projects, highway maintenance, vehicle fatalities, insurance costs and health care. The potential money saved from these positive effects from a trolley addition is limitless. For this reason alone, adding a trolley between Escondido and San Diego is beyond reproach. Posted by Picasa